Sunday 23 November 2014

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

I'm not 100% sure what that saying means, and I'm definitely more than a day late in updating my blog, but it is what it is. I'll make this as short and sweet as possible.

Summer ended up being pretty uneventful. The summer camp that we had planned and prepared for didn't happen since no kids signed up. So, I spent most of my summer writing articles and planning for my classes.

School started, and we managed to get just barely enough teachers just in the nick of time, because God is awesome like that. We'll also be gaining another North American in January, a friend of mine from Michigan who is graduating as an education major in December. I'm SUPER excited about that.

I joined the Honduran Fellowship of Ministries and Missionaries, who are helping me get my Honduran residency so I don't have to leave the country every 90 days. The other goals of the group are to build up and support missionaries, which involves them having conferences and events.

I went to a one-day conference with HFMM in October. Since they're located in the capital city which is a 4-hour bus ride from SPS, I hopped on a bus and got to stay with a family there. I also just went down for the yearly meeting which included a Thanksgiving potluck meal, and a TON of fellowship.

While at the meeting, I met 2 other single women missionaries from SPS who are trying to start a Bible study in the area, and I offered to join them. They're pretty awesome, so I'm really hoping to get to spend some more time with them.

I was pretty sick last weekend, running a temperature of 102.4 for most of Saturday morning. I believe it was part of my sinus infection that is still running its course. Last Tuesday I was halfway to school before I realized I had NO voice. Literally. By Friday I could talk mostly normally.

In exactly 1 month I will be flying to Michigan to see my family for Christmas. I'm super excited.

Well, I think that about does it for now. Everyone can now sit back and be surprised that I actually managed to post a short and sweet update on my life... Especially since most of my posts end up being significantly longer than planned.

I will say that one of the main reasons I haven't been updating as often is that I've been communicating a lot with my mom (via Facebook), so once I've told her everything that's going on in my life, it feels redundant to repeat it in blog form for the general masses. However, I will be trying to update this at least slightly more often.